WHMM locates licensed Medical Professionals in third world countries, generally in remote areas. WHMM supports them by providing medical equipment, basic medical supplies, and monthly financial support.
By partnering with Medical Professionals who are natives of their country, already licensed by their country’s government, are English speaking, and are practicing Christians, we can fulfill Luke 9:2, “and He sent them out to PREACH [teach] the kingdom of God and to HEAL THE SICK”. Luke 9:6 “so they set out and went from village to village, preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere “.
WHMM provides a portable Medical Clinic with appropriate Triage Equipment and Supplies. We also provide small, portable, state of the art, electronic equipment that will allow patients to watch and listen to The Word of God being taught while they wait for treatment.
WHMM Medical Professionals already have access to areas that traditional “imported” missionaries would not have access to, as many of these remote locations and villages would be far too dangerous.